Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Could Have Been Entries

I was to submit these photos in the contest. I just read the revised rules and sadly these pictures are not going to make it. Perhaps they could be in my first solo exhibit. Somebody wake me up from my dream! Let's have a look at them, shall we? Do hit me with a whip if I over indulge, I may like it too much though. LOL

One of the girls in the one of contigents in the festival. You can tell there was a lot of dancing going on. This wan not even taken on the peak of the festival like the rest of this batch.

I took a number of portraits. I just found out that the contest does not want these.

I even snapped this girl sucking on a tube of frozen delight.

Do you think this boy is pissed that I was taking his picture? He seemed happy and gay to me that afternoon.

Now this girl has fierce eyes. I almost said ouch when I took this shot.

More to come later. I just have to sort hundreds of frames from last weeks shoots.

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