Sunday, December 28, 2008

For Another Year of Enchanting Images

Ahh...2008 is almost history. An interesting year in so many ways. I have traveled to 4 different countries, made hundreds of exposures and got my own DSLR (finally). This year reconciled me to a passion that I have put to rest for too long. I will treat '08 as my year of enlightenment, my turning point. This year, my heart listened to my eyes. Never ignore the things that make your heart skip a beat. With that in mind, I should be better armed to face 2009. We should all be. Happy new year everyone!

P.S.: I have read Scott Kelby's "The Digital Photography Book". He mentioned that putting the horizon smack center is taking the amateur route. I hope this shot is one of those rule breaking shots that work. What do you think?

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Monday, December 22, 2008

Crabby Camouflage

I took a me a number of shots before I got this one. The water made it a little bit tricky to take. I'm glad I was able to capture the movement of the bubbles though. My shaky hands did not help either.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Stolen Bride

New Orleans has its surprises. As I walked around Bourbon St. in the French Quarter I chanced upon a pre-wedding shoot. I was glad the photographers did not mind me taking these shots. I used my 300 mm lens from across the street attempting to be less invasive. I have never photographed a bride before and it was a rare opportunity so I went for it. The angles are not perfect but considering I had not business taking these pictures I think they came out great. I was glad she took notice of me and gave me a couple of glances and even a smile. Who ever this bride is, "Best wishes to you." If anyone of you knows who this stunning bride is, give me a holler so I could personally send her a thank you note.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Magellan Marker

On my way home last Sunday, I stopped by the Magellan Marker. The great voyager who met his death in Mactan. It was around 9 at night when I decided to stop by the park where the marker stands to make the spot where Ferdinand Magellan unintentionally ended his great voyage in the hands of Lapu-lapu.

As it was deep into the night I had to shoot with long exposure. Behind the park is a pier, a few boats and tiki towers which look like reproductions of watch towers during those days. Below is part of what to expect behind the park. The boat in the background blurred since the water wasn't still. The moon was almost full if not full and it provided a little luminance to the clouds which would otherwise have been invisible.

The marker stood like a tombstone, it was almost eerie to see it againts the moonlit sky. Built in 1866 it is a perfect representation of a moment in history

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Blue Dawn

With my body clock still in shambles I found myself awake at 4 am a few days ago. Living near the sea is a visual gift for amateur photographers such as myself. Our terrace has a 180° of the sea, being a night person I always miss it when the local fishermen go out to sea. Meaning to smoke I noticed some movements a few meters from shore, realizing what they are I dissed smoking and rushed outside to capture the action. Now that I know, I should wake up earlier more than usual.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Long Flight Home

I'm glad its over. I hope you'll enjoy theses pictures more than I dread the jet lag. Let's scrutinize them shall we?

You should always check you camera settings. This was taken at ISO 800, very noisy. I almost slapped myself silly upon viewing this on my laptop. Caught this shot upon lift off in Penscola, FL.

First stop: Hotlanta. At 9 in the morning the smog was highly visible. Nothing a little black and white trick won't solve. If only it could fix the ISO bit.

Arigato Japan! Nothing like the rays of the sun slipping through the clouds to wecome my brown derrier back to Asia.

Upon deplaning this frame happened. I'm glad to be back.

An overnight in Hong Kong and it was time to for the last 2 leagues of my trip. The plane has RP on it's wings, I was really getting closer. By now I have noticed the ISO setting on my D40.

After 3 hours in Manila, the plane hovered abover Laguna De Bay.

And after a journey long enough to put the never ending story to shame i got a view of Marcelo Fernan Bridge. I am home.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Rhett Furball

I had a chance to take pictures of month old Rhett, a week after we picked him up at the pet store, before I got on the plane. He's such and adorable little fur ball. It was not easy taking pictures of a schnauzer who's yet to learn the word "stay". I'm gonna miss this boy, too bad I could not bring him to Cebu. Oh well, I hope he'd recognize me the next time he sees me. Now check theses out and tell me how adorable he is.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

The Long Flight Home

I just had an American breakfast at the Hong Kong International Airport. I feel like a zombie and will most likely feel this way for a week. Jet lag's a bummer. I will try to go out and take some pictures in the next few days. If you did not hear from me that means I have been slain by zombie hunters. More in transit shots later.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

In The Navy

Exhibiting United State's formidable Naval and Aviation forces the National Naval Aviation Museum boasts of its history and fleet. Here, those who have the affinity to flying objects in their inanimate state are treated to a vast array of planes, choppers, carriers and the occasional space capsule.

My capturing skills have failed me in this expedition. I believe I am more adept to capturing images of living things. As shown by the following images my inexperience surely deserves attention. Despite my failure to deliver "fanstastic" images I hope you would still feast your eyes on these.

Monday, December 1, 2008


A very curious animal. This one kept following me as I was taking its pictures. It acted like a D-lister, attention whore, hollywood starlet on the red carpet. LOL Worked for me. I feel like a certified animal paparazzi. LOL

Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Disney Mafia

It's a conspiracy that has been going on for decades. An organization so fool proof that it has captured everyone's imagination. For people traveling to the US, going to Disney World is almost a pilgrimage. I don't blame them. Here, the abstract concept of magic becomes concrete.

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