Sunday, January 4, 2009

Cebu at Night

Taken 3o minutes ago I instantly worked on these images as soon as have I saved them in my back up drive. I did say "images". These are 4 photographs stitched together via Photoshop CS3's auto-align layers tool. It may seem to be a regular shot but you could click on the image so you could see it in full size. I could have taken another photo to make it look longer but the moon was not very cooperative tonight. I'm glad the clouds covered it or else I would have ended up with a panoramic image of Cebu City with a big hole of overexposure in the night sky.

I had to climb to the 7th floor of the building via the fire excape. Not a very nice feeling when all you have between you and immediate death are two 15-inch diameter pipes. I guess this photograph is worht the fright.


roentare said...

This image is simply beautiful. I love the lighting breaking up the sky. Like a diety decending from the sky.

Gaurav said...

I love this image, a great shot! All and all great work done..

Jena Isle said...

It is awesome, such beautiful scene. bravo for capturing it and thanks for sharing.

Richard the Lionheart said...

Nice photos....

Hehe :)

Hindi pa ako nakakarating sa Cebu!

Ian Grayhood said...

Punta ka na this weekend. Sinulog na!

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