Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Long Flight Home

I'm glad its over. I hope you'll enjoy theses pictures more than I dread the jet lag. Let's scrutinize them shall we?

You should always check you camera settings. This was taken at ISO 800, very noisy. I almost slapped myself silly upon viewing this on my laptop. Caught this shot upon lift off in Penscola, FL.

First stop: Hotlanta. At 9 in the morning the smog was highly visible. Nothing a little black and white trick won't solve. If only it could fix the ISO bit.

Arigato Japan! Nothing like the rays of the sun slipping through the clouds to wecome my brown derrier back to Asia.

Upon deplaning this frame happened. I'm glad to be back.

An overnight in Hong Kong and it was time to for the last 2 leagues of my trip. The plane has RP on it's wings, I was really getting closer. By now I have noticed the ISO setting on my D40.

After 3 hours in Manila, the plane hovered abover Laguna De Bay.

And after a journey long enough to put the never ending story to shame i got a view of Marcelo Fernan Bridge. I am home.


Joanne Olivieri said...

What fantastic shots. Wow!

Ian Grayhood said...

Thanks! I appreciate it. Can't wait to blog again now that my internet connection is finally up again.

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