Sunday, December 28, 2008

For Another Year of Enchanting Images

Ahh...2008 is almost history. An interesting year in so many ways. I have traveled to 4 different countries, made hundreds of exposures and got my own DSLR (finally). This year reconciled me to a passion that I have put to rest for too long. I will treat '08 as my year of enlightenment, my turning point. This year, my heart listened to my eyes. Never ignore the things that make your heart skip a beat. With that in mind, I should be better armed to face 2009. We should all be. Happy new year everyone!

P.S.: I have read Scott Kelby's "The Digital Photography Book". He mentioned that putting the horizon smack center is taking the amateur route. I hope this shot is one of those rule breaking shots that work. What do you think?


Erik said...

Rule breaking, or not, I like it.

Much love, peace, health, joy and beauty for you in the New Year.

Ian Grayhood said...

Thanks. I appreciate it. Being a rebel sure feels good sometimes.

A fantastic 2009 to you too.

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